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Southwest Spores (Loyalty Program)Updated a year ago

Have questions about our loyalty program? Let's see if we can answer them!

What rewards can I redeem Spores for?

Always log in to your account to check the most recently updated redemption tiers, but these are our standbys:

10% Off Coupon: 1,000 Spores

Free Shipping: 250 SporesLi

$1 Giftcard: 100 Spores

How do I earn Spores?

Always log in to your account to check the most recently updated ways to earn.

Spend $1 - 5 Spores

Like Us On Facebook! - 50 Spores

Follow Us On Instagram! - 50 Spores

It's Your Birthday! - 100 Spores

Join our Mailing List - 100 Spores

How do I redeem Spores?

Simply log in to your account to redeem points as outlined above.

Do Spores expire?

They do! 90 days after earning spores, they expire.

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